
How to Measure Your Dachshund

How to measure your Dachshund. Step-by-step instructions on measuring a Dachshund.

Below you will find 4 steps on how to measure your Dachshund for that perfect coat, harness or any other types of clothing they plan on wearing.

Note: You may not need all 4 measurements depending on what you are measuring your Doxie for. Some Dachshund clothing items require only some of these measurements. Here is an overview, with individual steps proceeding below.

Overview: Here are all the critical measuring points in one easy to see view How to measure your dachshund

Step 1. Base of Neck to Base of tail = LENGTH How to measure your dachshund step 1

Step 2. Around Body behind Front Legs = CHEST/GIRTH How to measure your dachshund step 2

Step 3. Around Base of Neck = NECK How to measure your dachshund step 3

Step 4. Jaw to about 2 inches behind front legs = CHEST to TUMMY Coverage (typically for coats) How to measure your dachshund step 4